Everybody has aspirations to do something in their lives. For many, it usually is some kind of big task that has many obstacles in their way that set them away from their dreams. How nice would it be to retire your parents after years of them slaving for you and your well-being? Or how about being able to drop everything and finally witness the sight of a lit-up Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower?
Sometimes, our wants can also be on a much smaller scale. Perhaps there's a skill you want to master but can't seem to grasp. Maybe you're working your ass off for that raise that you feel like you ever so deserve, but can't seem to obtain it. Even something as simple as finally finishing that book that you shelved a few months back can be extremely frustrating.
Regardless of how obtuse your goals are, they all have one sharing trait that almost every human has in common; more, more, more. We are creatures that always crave the next thing. When we want something, our natural instinct is to obtain that thing, as swiftly as we possibly can. We put our aspirations on a tall pedestal and do everything we can to complete them. And they always seem so far away from us, like an island when you're lost at sea. If we're the smokers that puff life's cigarette, then its rewards are our nicotine.
However, when our dreams aren't dreams anymore; when they're finally in the grasp of our hands; when the ship has finally got washed up on land; when we get our puffs from that ciggy, it's not as special anymore. It loses that certain charm it once had when it wasn't yours. Nothing is ever "good enough". We consumed and digested, which was fulfilling for some time, yet we once again acquired the hunger we once had. Our appetite was temporarily satisfied and now, once again, we seek more to feast on
This cycle will go on and on until the end of humanity. That's purely a fact. For without this constant mindset of lingering for more and more, we would not be where we are today.
Unfortunately, this blade is double-edged. On the one hand, seeking more allows us to better ourselves. We develop new technologies and solutions to problems, both modern and antique. The other hand, however, carries a hefty weight. We tend to overarch our wants and disregard anything that goes against them (usually). This can also be defined as greed. Greed and humanity have been best friends since the sky has been blue. We never know when to quit, and we never will.
I'm a firm believer in the grey scale. Finding a nice balance of satisfaction, as well as being hungry for more of the right things sounds like a perfect yin and yang. The truth is, most things usually work themselves out, we just want something more because it's in our nature. Maybe if we stopped worrying about whether we'll make it or not, and tried to make the most out of it right now, and be content with what we have, we'll at least feel sufficed with where we are today, as well as be confident in chasing where we want to be tomorrow.